Concordia Creative Writing Masters
Concordia to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct in creative writing program: president
Some former students referred to some professors as "skirt chasers" and "vipers," whom women in the program warned each other to avoid

Concordia University president Alan Shepard says he was alerted Monday to what some on social media are calling an "open secret" that spanned decades: allegations of sexual misconduct and a toxic environment created by certain professors in the university's Creative Writing program.
Shepard called a news conference Wednesday afternoon to respond to allegations published Monday in an online essay by Mike Spry, a former Concordia creative writing student. Spry wrote that in his 14-year association with Concordia, he had "been witness to and made aware of innumerable instances of unwanted affection, groping, inappropriate remarks and propositions."
Spry, who admitted certain improprieties on his own part in the essay, claimed power abuses and sexual misconduct are rampant in the CanLit community in general, and at Concordia in particular. In response, several students and alumni have posted on social media their contention that sexual misconduct has been a problem in the creative writing program for many years, some naming specific professors.
Several former students of the program told the Montreal Gazette that certain professors are known for having sexual relationships with their students. Some referred to these professors as "skirt chasers" and "vipers," whom women in the program warned each other to avoid. One former student referred to these professors as the "Concordia Penis Cabal."
Shepard said he is launching an investigation into the allegations, meeting with students, faculty and staff in the creative writing program "to listen, support and chart a path forward."
"I want to start by saying we're profoundly sorry that some of our alumni and our students have experienced the things that they are reporting to have experienced," he told reporters. "We take this stuff very seriously, very seriously, and we deeply regret the kinds of experiences that have been reported and we are going to take action."
Some courses in the Creative Writing program were cancelled Tuesday and Wednesday, students in the program told The Gazette. Shepard said that by law and according to Concordia's policies, he could not comment on specific human resources matters, nor say whether any specific professors are being investigated or whether any have been suspended or otherwise disciplined.
He said the recent allegations will be examined as part of a university-wide assessment of the school's policies and programs related to sexual violence and misconduct, launched at his request in 2014. A report on that assessment, led by deputy provost Lisa Ostiguy, is expected to be delivered to Shepard sometime this year.
Several current and former Concordia students told The Gazette that some professors routinely pursued sexual relationships with their students.
"There were professors you just knew to stay away from. We would call them the vipers," said April Ford, an author who graduated from Concordia's Creative Writing program in 2007.
Katia Grubisic, who graduated from the school's Creative Writing Masters program in 2005 and recently taught in the program, said one professor in particular was known for trying to sleep with "some of the more vulnerable students."
"There were women who didn't want to come forward (to complain) even though they were encouraged to do so by a lot of us, for a variety of reasons, because of grades, because of reputation … . He was tenured, there was nothing we could do. There was no universe in which he would be fired. We would just basically try to make sure that our friends came home, after an evening," of drinking with certain professors, she said.
She said one professor would regularly invite students to his residence, and would often attempt to have them sleep over.
Grubisic said Concordia's Creative Writing program has some very good professors and staff, and it is a shame that certain professors in the program have hurt its reputation.
"They are twice culpable; once against the individuals against whom they've trespassed and also against the communities that then required years and years to rebuild (their reputations). I already heard of one person yesterday who emailed me, who had applied to the graduate program, but they were choosing to decline the offer of acceptance because of this."
She said she was well-treated at Concordia herself, as a student and as a part-time faculty member, but "there was definitely this kind of Concordia Penis Cabal that I was not a part of and didn't want to be a part of and it was very obvious and so alienating."
Grubisic, and others, expressed frustration with the fact that earlier attempts to draw attention to problems with the program did not garner the attention Spry's essay has.
"It still took a male alumni who admitted his complicity with what was going on, three years after Emma Healey published an article essentially saying what Mike Spry said. I guess she just wasn't believable enough," Grubisic said.
Emily Zuberec, a fifth-year student in the creative writing department, said when she entered the program she heard stories about a professor who had dated students over the years and was flirtatious during class.
When she discovered that the same professor would be teaching a fiction class she had registered for, Zuberec dropped the course.
"I transferred out because there was no way I could be in a class with this person that I had heard so much about," she said, referring to one of the professors who has been the subject of sexual misconduct allegations this week.
One of Zuberec's friends stayed in the class, Zuberec said, and told her the professor made passes at some students and "engaged in inappropriate conversations and flattery that didn't necessarily revolve around writing."
She also said it is common knowledge that some professors in the department have been engaged in inappropriate conduct with students, but added that there are many outstanding professors "who counterbalance a toxic environment with their positivity and their dedication."
Current creative writing students are happy the allegations have become public, and want Concordia to deal with the situation once and for all, she said.
"The internet is ablaze with this right now," Zuberec said. "The question people have is whether Concordia will shape up and address this properly."
Katherine Wilton of the Montreal Gazette contributed to this report.
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Concordia Creative Writing Masters
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