what should princpals do before recruiting external stakeholders to support their school

Understanding Organisations: Identifying and managing internal and external stakeholder interests


Stakeholder is a person who has something to gain or lose through the outcomes of a planning process, programme or project (Dialogue past Design, 2008).

Stakeholder Engagement is the procedure of effectively eliciting stakeholders' views on their relationship with the organisation/programme/project (Friedman and Miles, 2006).

S takeholder Analysis is a technique used to identify and assess the influence and importance of key people, groups of people, or organisations that may significantly impact the success of your activeness or projection (Friedman and Miles 2006).

Stakeholder Management is essentially stakeholder relationship direction as it is the relationship and not the bodily stakeholder groups that are managed (Friedman and Miles, 2006).

As public participation becomes increasingly embedded in national and international public health policy, information technology becomes ever more crucial for conclusion-makers to sympathise who is affected by the decisions and actions they take, and who has the power to influence their consequence: the stakeholders. The stakeholder concept has achieved widespread popularity among academics, policy-makers, the media and corporate managers. Inside the field of strategic management the stakeholder concept has become firmly embedded. References to
stakeholders are commonplace and the requirement to engage stakeholders in public sector organisational strategy and project design is a central priority in electric current government policy both within the NHS and local authorities sectors. Many of these organisations recognise that stakeholder engagement is not nigh giving the public a listing of options to choose from – it's about cartoon them in right from the start, so that their views, needs and ideas shape those options and the services that catamenia from them.

A technique to assistance identify which individuals or organisations to include in your programme / projection is known every bit a 'stakeholder analysis'. The following stages have been identified to support the stakeholder analysis process:

  1. Place and map internal and external stakeholders
  2. Assess the nature of each stakeholder's influence and importance
  3. Construct a matrix to identify stakeholder influence and importance
  4. Monitor and manage stakeholder relationships.

Identify and map internal and external stakeholders (and partnerships)

The outset of whatsoever stakeholder engagement process is stakeholder mapping. Stakeholder mapping identifies the target groups and pulls together every bit much data as possible about them. 'Stakeholders' are by definition people who accept a 'stake' in a situation. Stakeholders can exist described in organisation terms as, those who are maybe 'internal' (e.1000. employees and management) and those 'external' (e.g. customers, competitors, suppliers, etc.).

Nevertheless, within the field of public wellness the development of strategies, programmes and projects may well be undertaken on a cross-purlieus, interdisciplinary mode.  For example, a local health and well-being strategy may be adult by:

  • Internal stakeholders who participate in the co-ordination, funding, resourcing and publication of the strategy from a local health and well-being partnership;
  • External stakeholders who are engaged in contributing their views and experiences in addressing the issues that are of import to them equally patients, service users, carers and members of the local community.

The following questions are designed to reveal the stakes every bit well as aid to identify the correct people to involve in any particular situation.

  • Who is or volition exist affected, positively or negatively, by what you are doing or proposing to practice?
  • Who holds official positions relevant to what you are doing?
  • Who runs organisations with relevant interests?
  • Who has been involved in any similar situations in the past?
  • Whose names come regularly when you are discussing this discipline?

The following list of internal and external stakeholders is based on a Public Health Department within an English Local Authority/council:

Internal Stakeholders

External Stakeholders

  • Director of Public Health
  • Caput of Wellness Intelligence and Information
  • Procurement
  • Director of Nursing
  • Public Health Strategists
  • Public Health Management Analyst
  • Director of Programmes and Services
  • Enquiry Scientist
  • Communications
  • Environmental Health Intelligence Analyst
  • Public Health Manager
  • Trustees
  • Board committee members
  • Local Authorisation/council
  • Providers
  • Acute trusts
  • Patients
  • Service users
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Funders
  • Quality assessors
  • LINk grouping
  • Special interest groups
  • Wellness visitors/school nurses
  • Wider public health workforce
  • Media

For those working in a commissioning system, the organisations that provide services will be an important grouping of stakeholders (such as patients and service users), while for those working in an system that provides services competitors will exist of more significance.

Assess the nature of each stakeholder ' s influence and importance

It is important to understand that individuals and groups behave differently in different situations. The touch on stakeholders can have on organisational policy, strategy, and project is dependent on their relationship to either the organisation itself or the problems of business, or both. Once a list of possible stakeholders has been created it is necessary to gauge their influence and importance.

Influence and importance is always in relation to the objectives you are seeking to reach.


  • simply refers to how powerful a stakeholder is in terms of influencing direction of the project and outcomes.


  • simply refers to those stakeholders whose issues, needs and interests are priority for an arrangement. If these of import stakeholders are not assessed finer then the project cannot exist deemed a success.

Here are some examples of types of direct influence:

  • legal hierarchy (command control of budgets)
  • say-so of leadership (charismatic, political)
  • control of strategic resource (suppliers of services or other inputs)
  • possession of specialist knowledge
  • negotiation position (strength in relation to other stakeholders).

Indirect influence may also be accomplished through:

  • social, economic or political in status
  • varying degrees of organization and consensus in groups
  • power to influence the command of strategic resource significant to the project
  • breezy influence through links with other groups
  • other stakeholders in assessing their importance to the projection problems.

The tables below identify both the sources and indicators of influence that internal and external stakeholders may agree.

Stakeholder Sources of Influence

Internal Stakeholders

External Stakeholders

  • Hierarchy (formal power) eastward.1000. dominance, senior position
  • Command of strategic resources east.g. materials, labour, coin
  • Influence (breezy ability) e.g. leadership style
  • Involvement in strategy Implementation e.yard. strategic partners in distribution channels
  • Command of strategic resource eastward.g. responsibility for strategic products
  • Possession of knowledge and skills e.k. cooperation partners, subcontractors
  • Possession of cognition and skills due east.chiliad. skilful noesis that forms the organisations core competence
  • Through internal links e.thousand. networking
  • Control of the environment e.g. negotiation & network of relationships to external stakeholders
  • Involvement in strategy implementation e.g. as a alter amanuensis or responsibleness for strategic projects

Different stakeholders may have commonality of purpose at a very general level (eastward.g. 'providing quality of services' or 'improving the quality of life for the community') but at more than detailed levels they may wish to impose unlike purposes and priorities on an arrangement.

The level of importance , given by an arrangement to the stakeholders' needs and interests is also key to the success of strategy and projection development. For example, these sources of importance can affect both internal and external stakeholders:

Stakeholder Sources of Importance

Internal Stakeholders

External Stakeholders

  • Which issues affecting which stakeholders, does the strategy/project seek to address or alleviate?
  • For which stakeholders does the strategy/project place a priority on coming together their needs, interests and expectations?
  • Which stakeholders' interests converge most closely with the strategy/project objectives?

Construct a matrix to identify stakeholder influence and importance

One bones tool of stakeholder analysis is the influence/importance matrix. This technique can be used in relation to a particular strategic evolution (such as the launch or withdrawal of a service).

Stakeholders should first be plotted in relation to how they would line up – the level and nature (for or against) of their importance and the extent of their influence. A second map tin can too be plotted showing how you would need stakeholders to line up if the development were going to have a good adventure of success.

By comparison the ii maps and looking for the mismatches, priorities for managing stakeholders can exist established, as well as priorities for maintaining stakeholders in their current positioning.

Each quadrant tin can be analysed in the post-obit way. In a clockwise rotation:

Quadrant one: Key stakeholders placed hither have loftier influence and loftier importance need to exist fully engaged on the strategy/project. The style of participation for stakeholders needs to be appropriate for gaining and maintaining their buying.

Quadrant two: Stakeholders placed hither can be highly of import but having depression influence or direct power, still need to be kept informed through advisable teaching and communication.

Quadrant three: Stakeholders here accept low influence and low importance and care should be taken to avoid the dangers of unfavourable lobbying and therefore should be closely monitored and kept on board.

Quadrant four: Stakeholders placed here can hold potentially high influence but depression importance should be kept satisfied with advisable approval and mayhap bought in as patrons or supporters.

Even so, it is important to recognise, that the map is not static. Changing events can mean that stakeholders can motility around the map with consequent changes to the listing of the about influential stakeholders.

Monitor and manage stakeholder relationships

Stakeholder management is essentially stakeholder human relationship management as information technology is the relationship and non the actual stakeholder groups that are managed. The Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics (in Friedman and Miles 2006:151) developed the post-obit listing of principles that summarise the cardinal features of stakeholder management:

Principles of Stakeholder Management

Principle 1

Managers should admit and actively monitor the concerns of all legitimate stakeholders, and should accept their interests accordingly
into business relationship in determination-making and operations.

Principle two

Managers should listen to and openly communicate with stakeholders almost their corresponding concerns and contributions, and about the risks that they presume because of their involvement with the corporation.

Principle 3

Managers should adopt processes and modes of behaviour that are sensitive to the concerns and capabilities of each stakeholder constituency.

Principle four

Managers should recognise the interdependence of efforts and rewards among stakeholders, and should effort to achieve a fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of corporate action among them, taking into account their respective risks and vulnerabilities.

Principle 5

Managers should work cooperatively with other entities, both public and private, to ensure that risks and harms arising from corporate activities are minimised and, where they cannot exist avoided, appropriately compensated.

Principle 6

Managers should avoid birthday activities that might jeopardise inalienable human rights (due east.chiliad., the right to life) or give ascent to risks which, if clearly understood, would be evidently unacceptable to relevant stakeholders.

Principle seven

Managers should acknowledge the potential conflicts between (a) their ain function every bit corporate stakeholders, and (b) their legal and moral responsibilities for the interests of stakeholders, and should address such conflicts through open advice, advisable reporting and incentive systems and, where necessary, third party review.

Friedman and Miles (2006) have developed a model that can be used to identify the style of stakeholder management required based upon Arnstein's ladder of
participation, although their model comprises twelve distinct levels (run across attached PDF). [AH1] This model tin can be used to place the style of stakeholder management. The lower levels, (manipulation, therapy, informing) relate to situations in which the organisation is merely informing stakeholders about decisions that accept already taken place, although these levels represent bad practice if washed in isolation. At centre levels, (explaining, placation, consultation, negotiation) stakeholders have the opportunity to vocalism their concerns prior to a decision being made, but with no assurance that their concerns will bear on on the cease outcome. The highest levels, (involvement, collaboration, partnership, delegated power, stakeholder control) are characterised by active or responsive attempts at empowering stakeholders in corporate decision-making. It is likely that different stakeholder groups and the same stakeholder groups at unlike times will be treated at different levels and these can exist afflicted past stakeholder characteristics, different stages in an organisation'south life cycle, different strategies pursued by stakeholders and the different focus and stage of the programme.

References :

  • Dialogue by Design (2008)
    A Handbook of Public & Stakeholder Engagement http://designer.dialoguebydesign.net/docs/
  • Friedman, L. and Miles, Southward. (2006) Stakeholders Theory and Practise
    Oxford University Press

                                                                       © Due south Markwell 2010, N Leigh-Hunt 2016


Source: https://www.healthknowledge.org.uk/public-health-textbook/organisation-management/5b-understanding-ofs/managing-internal-external-stakeholders

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